Partner Offers

Account-Based Marketing Handbook
Account-Based Marketing Handbook

When spam emails and generic, too broad content cause traditional marketing to struggle, account-based marketing (ABM) offers a more targeted approach. It treats every account as a market of one and personalizes to an identified, individual decision-maker. Rather than work on many leads, it narrows your focus down to the right leads. ...

Forrester TEI Report
Forrester TEI Report

The digital economy demands ultra-fast, real-time data processing to meet customer needs, and Redis Enterprise meets those demands with better performance and higher uptime at a lower cost than customers’ legacy SQL and NoSQL databases....

MyTeam11 Case Study
MyTeam11 Case Study

MyTeam11 is the new global leader in the market of fantasy sports sites, ensuring that each user gets benefits and rewards at the end of any contest.....

Caching for Microservices Solution Brief
Caching for Microservices Solution Brief

Redis Enterprise was designed and built with the same core principles that guide microservices architectures: agility, resilience, scalability, and flexibility. This alignment makes Redis Enterprise an ideal caching solution for microservices applications....

Latency is the New Outage
Latency is the New Outage

More organizations are tying their future success to digital and online business. As brands expand their digital customer experiences, they rely on applications hosted on different infrastructures ....

HackerRank Case Study
HackerRank Case Study

HackerRank is the industry leader in pre-screening, technical assessments, and remote interview solutions for hiring developers. ...